Ed Saunders-Lee

Ed Saunders-Lee

Ed Saunders-Lee rejoins Quantum Theatre, this time playing the Narrator, Dr Lanyon and Dr Jekyll, on their UK tour of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde until 29...
James Hardy

James Hardy

We’d like to welcome our new client, James Hardy, a recent MA graduate of Drama Studio London.  James is a Geordie lad based in London and also has a degree in Musical Theatre . Check out his Spotlight for...
Sonia Sabardeil

Sonia Sabardeil

Sonia Sabardeil’s play Wound has been selected for a scratch night, and will be performed 29 September.  Impacted by her sister’s accident, Wound is her way to give voices to people who...
Beth Taylor

Beth Taylor

Beth Taylor been cast as Lianna, the lead, in new short horror film @bloodbuzz_film A city girl traipsing alone through the English countryside, she’s tenacious, but naïve. With a rough home life and a difficult relationship with her brother, she is easily taken in by...